Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Please Pray for my Grandma, she had covid, and got covid pneumonia when she was sick. Please Pray, That her lungs begin to open up and are healing, that her oxygen goes up and stays in the high 90's without the high flow. That all her numbers go up, that she is being healed. Thank you
  • My boyfriend Josh lives in Oklahoma near the impact zones. He recently contacted me and is safe. We had not been in contact for about 3 months. Very scary times for both of us.
  • Please pray for Tracy who has recently been widowed, for God to comfort her and for financial provision for her.
  • I received a call that I have skin cancer and will be doing a process on my face on October 11, 2021 @ 8 am. Please pray that the dr can remove it all in Jesus name.
  • A tree Service has been planned to come into our yard & take down all our trees that I planted 25 years ago ( & still have at least 75 years left to their lifespan).
  • Please pray for Chris.  She will be meeting with the surgeon on Monday to talk about the amputation of a couple of toes and possibly her leg.  She is scared and asks for a miracle.
  • I need prayer to remove the anger and hurt I feel from my in laws. They hurt my husband and our family badly and I need to forgive them and move in. Instead I am consumed with negative thoughts and even thought of revenge. I do not want to live like this. I want to move on and for my family to be happy and removed from the hurt they have inflicted. Please pray
  • Please pray for God to heal Nicole and to remove her Dyslexia
  • My mom, Susan, is in the ICU with Covid. She was vaccinated, and is still very sick. My dad passed not even a year ago; she is the best mother and grandmother. Please pray she is healed!
  • For Roy who was stabbed in his heart by his girlfriend and his bank account was cleaned out. He is in icu in Seattle. Has been for about 3 weeks. On ventilator, can only respond by blinkining his eyes for yes or no. Hospital on lockdown so his family can’t see him.

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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

Prayer Requests

  • Please Pray for my Grandma, she had covid, and got covid pneumonia when she was sick. Please Pray, That her lungs begin to open up and are healing, that her oxygen goes up and stays in the high 90's without the high flow. That all her numbers go up, that she is being healed. Thank you
  • My boyfriend Josh lives in Oklahoma near the impact zones. He recently contacted me and is safe. We had not been in contact for about 3 months. Very scary times for both of us.
  • Please pray for Tracy who has recently been widowed, for God to comfort her and for financial provision for her.
  • I received a call that I have skin cancer and will be doing a process on my face on October 11, 2021 @ 8 am. Please pray that the dr can remove it all in Jesus name.
  • A tree Service has been planned to come into our yard & take down all our trees that I planted 25 years ago ( & still have at least 75 years left to their lifespan).
  • Please pray for Chris.  She will be meeting with the surgeon on Monday to talk about the amputation of a couple of toes and possibly her leg.  She is scared and asks for a miracle.
  • I need prayer to remove the anger and hurt I feel from my in laws. They hurt my husband and our family badly and I need to forgive them and move in. Instead I am consumed with negative thoughts and even thought of revenge. I do not want to live like this. I want to move on and for my family to be happy and removed from the hurt they have inflicted. Please pray
  • Please pray for God to heal Nicole and to remove her Dyslexia
  • My mom, Susan, is in the ICU with Covid. She was vaccinated, and is still very sick. My dad passed not even a year ago; she is the best mother and grandmother. Please pray she is healed!
  • For Roy who was stabbed in his heart by his girlfriend and his bank account was cleaned out. He is in icu in Seattle. Has been for about 3 weeks. On ventilator, can only respond by blinkining his eyes for yes or no. Hospital on lockdown so his family can’t see him.

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

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