Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for me. I've had two surgeries in the last six months, and I am still having a lot of sharp pain. I go back to the hospital this week for more tests. In addition to being in such discomfort, I just feel so depressed and defeated. I don't know what to think anymore.
  • I was pulling out a plant from my garden and I got a splinter in my finger, which I've been unable to remove. Please pray that God will remove the splinter, heal my finger, prevent infection and stop any pain.
  • My neighbor (ROD) is in ICU with issues going on with his heart. He has been there for 3 days and is intubated. He has not been conscious since this happened. His family can use all the prayers that can be said. The drs don't have a lot of answers for them yet. Please pray that they get the answers they need and that they find peace and comfort in this hard time. And that their needs are being met since they are being seen at an out of town hospital. Thank you so much!!
  • Please pray for my friend Esther who feels she is dying from Covid in and intensive care ctr in Indonesia. She is a born-again Christian who looks forward to being with the Lord. Please pray that God will heal her and restore her to full health so she can continue her good and charitable works. Amen!
  • Allison Galvan ,27 is missing from the Tricities, WA. She was last seen in Pasco, WA. She has 2 young sons. Please pray for Allison!
  • I am requesting prayers for a change in jobs. I pray that the right job presents itself. I am struggling with finding a balance with home and work. I pray that God blesses me with a job that will allow me to spend more time with my family.
  • prayer for a job
  • My employer's daughter uses crutches to walk. Please pray for God to heal her completely so she won't need crutches to walk.
  • My son has a very important court tomorrow and Wednesday. The judge will make a de idiom if he is going to get out in a few months or if he will stay longer. Please pray for God’s will to be done in my son’s life.
  • My mother is getting forgetful and my family is trying to make decisions to help. please pray for my mom and my family in this situation. thank you

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Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for me. I've had two surgeries in the last six months, and I am still having a lot of sharp pain. I go back to the hospital this week for more tests. In addition to being in such discomfort, I just feel so depressed and defeated. I don't know what to think anymore.
  • I was pulling out a plant from my garden and I got a splinter in my finger, which I've been unable to remove. Please pray that God will remove the splinter, heal my finger, prevent infection and stop any pain.
  • My neighbor (ROD) is in ICU with issues going on with his heart. He has been there for 3 days and is intubated. He has not been conscious since this happened. His family can use all the prayers that can be said. The drs don't have a lot of answers for them yet. Please pray that they get the answers they need and that they find peace and comfort in this hard time. And that their needs are being met since they are being seen at an out of town hospital. Thank you so much!!
  • Please pray for my friend Esther who feels she is dying from Covid in and intensive care ctr in Indonesia. She is a born-again Christian who looks forward to being with the Lord. Please pray that God will heal her and restore her to full health so she can continue her good and charitable works. Amen!
  • Allison Galvan ,27 is missing from the Tricities, WA. She was last seen in Pasco, WA. She has 2 young sons. Please pray for Allison!
  • I am requesting prayers for a change in jobs. I pray that the right job presents itself. I am struggling with finding a balance with home and work. I pray that God blesses me with a job that will allow me to spend more time with my family.
  • prayer for a job
  • My employer's daughter uses crutches to walk. Please pray for God to heal her completely so she won't need crutches to walk.
  • My son has a very important court tomorrow and Wednesday. The judge will make a de idiom if he is going to get out in a few months or if he will stay longer. Please pray for God’s will to be done in my son’s life.
  • My mother is getting forgetful and my family is trying to make decisions to help. please pray for my mom and my family in this situation. thank you

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

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