Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for our country and our world…..
  • Please pray for the poor and homeless and hungry people of the world.
  • Husband's health and financial situation
  • Please pray for my son to Let Go and Let God - Thank you and many blessing to you all
  • I am asking prayer for my marriage next month will be 7 years married but it’s broken right now… For the last few years I have broken my wife… from being hooked on pornography to breaking her emotionally. I have never been able to communicate or show my emotions except for anger… I come from from a broken family and I took that anger out on her from calling her names to putting her down I know what I was doing wasn’t right I just let my pride and ego get in the way and we have 3 beautiful children and they always see us fight. I grew up going to church and was close to god I just strayed away. We’ll she had an affair and I found out… it hurt and I didn’t know what to do but I forgave her and want to fix our marriage. I know with God all things are possible. I have been tryin to get right with god and we’ve been together since high school and been through so much I can’t just give up on us… I don’t want our children to go through what I’ve gone through I love my wife and she said she doesn’t love me the same anymore but I know with gods help and prayer I believe she can find that love for me again I’m doing my best to change from getting closer to god and helping with the kids and around the house no matter how tired I am from work I won’t give up on our marriage and I know god can restore it so please keep me, My wife Astrid and our children in prayer. Thank you god bless.
  • I ask for help against the demonic forces attacking me I’ve been dealing and hearing them in my mind for years now I pray and plead to take them away please I’m tired
  • My one year old will be having Orchiopexy surgery he has undescended testicle. It will be tomorrow 5/17 I ask for prayers that everything will go well in Jesus name. Thanks for the prayers
  • My son and I have health issues which keeps us from fixing things around the house.. Our roof is in need of major repair. I can see the wood where shingles are missing. We also have a very unsafe back porch that needs fixed before someone gets hurt. thank you for your prayers. May you be richly blessed. 🙂
  • Prayer for my right shoulder. I tore my bicep. And have to have surgery. They have to cut my bicep and fix everything and then reattach it with screws
  • Martina called and asked for prayers for her daughter's boyfriend, Aaron, who is choosing the wrong path.  He has a 2-month-old baby and he is choosing drugs over his daughter.  He is living on the street. Prayer for her daughter and how it is affecting her and the baby. Prayer that her daughter's heart will be strong. Prayer that Aaron will find the help that he needs.

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for our country and our world…..
  • Please pray for the poor and homeless and hungry people of the world.
  • Husband's health and financial situation
  • Please pray for my son to Let Go and Let God - Thank you and many blessing to you all
  • I am asking prayer for my marriage next month will be 7 years married but it’s broken right now… For the last few years I have broken my wife… from being hooked on pornography to breaking her emotionally. I have never been able to communicate or show my emotions except for anger… I come from from a broken family and I took that anger out on her from calling her names to putting her down I know what I was doing wasn’t right I just let my pride and ego get in the way and we have 3 beautiful children and they always see us fight. I grew up going to church and was close to god I just strayed away. We’ll she had an affair and I found out… it hurt and I didn’t know what to do but I forgave her and want to fix our marriage. I know with God all things are possible. I have been tryin to get right with god and we’ve been together since high school and been through so much I can’t just give up on us… I don’t want our children to go through what I’ve gone through I love my wife and she said she doesn’t love me the same anymore but I know with gods help and prayer I believe she can find that love for me again I’m doing my best to change from getting closer to god and helping with the kids and around the house no matter how tired I am from work I won’t give up on our marriage and I know god can restore it so please keep me, My wife Astrid and our children in prayer. Thank you god bless.
  • I ask for help against the demonic forces attacking me I’ve been dealing and hearing them in my mind for years now I pray and plead to take them away please I’m tired
  • My one year old will be having Orchiopexy surgery he has undescended testicle. It will be tomorrow 5/17 I ask for prayers that everything will go well in Jesus name. Thanks for the prayers
  • My son and I have health issues which keeps us from fixing things around the house.. Our roof is in need of major repair. I can see the wood where shingles are missing. We also have a very unsafe back porch that needs fixed before someone gets hurt. thank you for your prayers. May you be richly blessed. 🙂
  • Prayer for my right shoulder. I tore my bicep. And have to have surgery. They have to cut my bicep and fix everything and then reattach it with screws
  • Martina called and asked for prayers for her daughter's boyfriend, Aaron, who is choosing the wrong path.  He has a 2-month-old baby and he is choosing drugs over his daughter.  He is living on the street. Prayer for her daughter and how it is affecting her and the baby. Prayer that her daughter's heart will be strong. Prayer that Aaron will find the help that he needs.

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

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