Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for protection around our company Reach, and that God brings godly people to help, we are under attack. Our company was found with God as the foundation so we're always under attack
  • Thank you for being here for us. I would like to request prayer after 22 years at Walmart I lost my job I can't find another job because my knees need replaced I have two bulging discs in my back and my hips don't stay in place. I used a shopping cart to walk with when I worked at Walmart I'm pretty sure I got fired because I'm not as fast as I used to be and a member of management didn't like me. I ruptured my Achilles tendon at work in 2018 and I still have problems with it. I need to a sit-down job but I can't find one. I have no money for this month's bills I'm starting to get late notices I have not finished paying for last month's bills I'm living off of credit cards and almost have them maxed out. My brother may have lung cancer so he can't work cuz he can't breathe. If you could pray for my son and daughter-in-law to heal their marriage to do the things that they need to do I'd be so appreciative I keep telling them they need God in the center of their life neither one of them are doing what they need to be doing. I'm afraid my son's going to lose his job and he has a hernia that his insurance company will not cover.  he has an autistic 5-year-old and a 2 year old that has seizures so I asked for healing for them. I asked for healing for my brother-in-law who disappeared the other night left at 3:00 in the afternoon to get gas and didn't show up until 10:30 the next morning don't know why he's been sick since last summer it has been a lot of time in the hospital but his physical healing is good.  it's his emotional healing rather than in Jesus I appreciate your radio station so much and I'm just overwhelmed and tired I don't go to sleep until 7:00 in the morning and I just need a break and I know the more that Satan attacks me the more that God is working in my life but I don't want to lose anything and so I need money coming in thank you all so much for taking the time to read my prayer God bless you all
  • Please pray for my brother. I ask continued healing of mind, body, heart, and spirit. I ask deliverance of all that binds him. I ask that he runs to God and not away from Him. Please pray that he knows that he is not too far from God to be welcomed back with open arms. Please pray that only in Christ can he know true hope, peace, and purpose. Please pray for miracles. Thank you.
  • I need a miracle for my son's life to be restored for circumstances to change. He need deliverance and salvation. He needs Jesus
  • our son Randy is having surgery this morning. I would like to place him on your prayer list, please, and just let you know that we pray for you all the time too.
  • I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I start to navigate a new season in life. I know God has a purpose to my life and wants to use me, and the devil is fighting hard to stop him. Pray that God give me the strength and faith to keep working for his kingdom. Thank you!
  • Hi I ask you prayers for a new job. I do have something on my background that has been hindered me of been hired, I got some job offers, but once they check my background they contacted me and told me that I’m not eligible for that position. And I do have a job now but is basically swing shift/ graveyard and it has been hard for me to sleep enough during the daytime. I also ask for God’s provision to pay off my debt. Thanks for your prayers
  • I've just been to a dentist and had a painful tooth extracted. My gum is now slightly sore and bleeding slightly. Please pray for God to heal me completely, for the gum to heal quickly, stop the bleeding and for the soreness to stop.
  • My sister is in ICU. It isn’t looking good. She has three daughters in their 20’s.
  • Pray my mother gets more piano students to teach as an independent piano instructor, as well as through the piano studio she is employed by.

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Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for protection around our company Reach, and that God brings godly people to help, we are under attack. Our company was found with God as the foundation so we're always under attack
  • Thank you for being here for us. I would like to request prayer after 22 years at Walmart I lost my job I can't find another job because my knees need replaced I have two bulging discs in my back and my hips don't stay in place. I used a shopping cart to walk with when I worked at Walmart I'm pretty sure I got fired because I'm not as fast as I used to be and a member of management didn't like me. I ruptured my Achilles tendon at work in 2018 and I still have problems with it. I need to a sit-down job but I can't find one. I have no money for this month's bills I'm starting to get late notices I have not finished paying for last month's bills I'm living off of credit cards and almost have them maxed out. My brother may have lung cancer so he can't work cuz he can't breathe. If you could pray for my son and daughter-in-law to heal their marriage to do the things that they need to do I'd be so appreciative I keep telling them they need God in the center of their life neither one of them are doing what they need to be doing. I'm afraid my son's going to lose his job and he has a hernia that his insurance company will not cover.  he has an autistic 5-year-old and a 2 year old that has seizures so I asked for healing for them. I asked for healing for my brother-in-law who disappeared the other night left at 3:00 in the afternoon to get gas and didn't show up until 10:30 the next morning don't know why he's been sick since last summer it has been a lot of time in the hospital but his physical healing is good.  it's his emotional healing rather than in Jesus I appreciate your radio station so much and I'm just overwhelmed and tired I don't go to sleep until 7:00 in the morning and I just need a break and I know the more that Satan attacks me the more that God is working in my life but I don't want to lose anything and so I need money coming in thank you all so much for taking the time to read my prayer God bless you all
  • Please pray for my brother. I ask continued healing of mind, body, heart, and spirit. I ask deliverance of all that binds him. I ask that he runs to God and not away from Him. Please pray that he knows that he is not too far from God to be welcomed back with open arms. Please pray that only in Christ can he know true hope, peace, and purpose. Please pray for miracles. Thank you.
  • I need a miracle for my son's life to be restored for circumstances to change. He need deliverance and salvation. He needs Jesus
  • our son Randy is having surgery this morning. I would like to place him on your prayer list, please, and just let you know that we pray for you all the time too.
  • I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I start to navigate a new season in life. I know God has a purpose to my life and wants to use me, and the devil is fighting hard to stop him. Pray that God give me the strength and faith to keep working for his kingdom. Thank you!
  • Hi I ask you prayers for a new job. I do have something on my background that has been hindered me of been hired, I got some job offers, but once they check my background they contacted me and told me that I’m not eligible for that position. And I do have a job now but is basically swing shift/ graveyard and it has been hard for me to sleep enough during the daytime. I also ask for God’s provision to pay off my debt. Thanks for your prayers
  • I've just been to a dentist and had a painful tooth extracted. My gum is now slightly sore and bleeding slightly. Please pray for God to heal me completely, for the gum to heal quickly, stop the bleeding and for the soreness to stop.
  • My sister is in ICU. It isn’t looking good. She has three daughters in their 20’s.
  • Pray my mother gets more piano students to teach as an independent piano instructor, as well as through the piano studio she is employed by.

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