Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my body, I am in extreme pain and yesterday I was extremely sick, my body hurts so much that I haven’t been able to sleep. Please pray for my father as well, he works so much and exerts himself so much that sometimes he gets burnt out immediately getting home, in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ amen
  • My brother, Tom and sister-in-law Sherry both have the COVID-19. My brother Tom also is recovering from lung cancer and so pretty in bad shape at the time. It could really use a lot of prayers
  • Please pray for the holy spirit's presence in me and give me hope and fruits of the spirit as I walk through separation/divorce. Give comfort and protection for my children. Whisper your truths to my husband. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • Please pray for Doms heart to soften and hear God's voice in his life.
  • My arms were shaking today and are also itching a lot. Please pray for healing for me. Please also pray for general healing for me.
  • Lyle, Lane, Buck, Quinton, Wylie, Blaine, Silas: behaviors, disrespect, anger, issues at home. Curtis-internal injuries after a fall, rushed to surgery today. Linda lost her grandson to suicide. Sue lost her grandma and she is struggling with the loss. Eric, Kirk, Chris, Tammy, Jeannie-pain, healing. Thank you
  • I have several request involving 2 women that are pregnant. One is on drugs. Need prayer for her to get clean and for GOD to protect that baby. 2nd is for a woman who has had multiple miscarriages. She just found out she is pregnant and is scared it will happen again. There is POWER in PRAYER!
  • I’m struggling. We are trying to purchase some property with two houses on it for my husband and our five kids in one house and my parents in the other house. It has not been going well and it’s hard for me to think we might not get this and might not be able to live all together. I’m also trying to keep being thankful for what I already have and I’m trying to prepare my self for maybe not getting this property. I want to be thankful for the things I have and my family anyway and I am. I know this place would benefit us all so much.
  • Please can you pray for me? I'm in denial. Thank you
  • My friends Tami, Ben and Gloria are all battling cancer. I am asking for prayers to heal them and remove the cancer from them . If this is God's will, it will be done.

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Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my body, I am in extreme pain and yesterday I was extremely sick, my body hurts so much that I haven’t been able to sleep. Please pray for my father as well, he works so much and exerts himself so much that sometimes he gets burnt out immediately getting home, in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ amen
  • My brother, Tom and sister-in-law Sherry both have the COVID-19. My brother Tom also is recovering from lung cancer and so pretty in bad shape at the time. It could really use a lot of prayers
  • Please pray for the holy spirit's presence in me and give me hope and fruits of the spirit as I walk through separation/divorce. Give comfort and protection for my children. Whisper your truths to my husband. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • Please pray for Doms heart to soften and hear God's voice in his life.
  • My arms were shaking today and are also itching a lot. Please pray for healing for me. Please also pray for general healing for me.
  • Lyle, Lane, Buck, Quinton, Wylie, Blaine, Silas: behaviors, disrespect, anger, issues at home. Curtis-internal injuries after a fall, rushed to surgery today. Linda lost her grandson to suicide. Sue lost her grandma and she is struggling with the loss. Eric, Kirk, Chris, Tammy, Jeannie-pain, healing. Thank you
  • I have several request involving 2 women that are pregnant. One is on drugs. Need prayer for her to get clean and for GOD to protect that baby. 2nd is for a woman who has had multiple miscarriages. She just found out she is pregnant and is scared it will happen again. There is POWER in PRAYER!
  • I’m struggling. We are trying to purchase some property with two houses on it for my husband and our five kids in one house and my parents in the other house. It has not been going well and it’s hard for me to think we might not get this and might not be able to live all together. I’m also trying to keep being thankful for what I already have and I’m trying to prepare my self for maybe not getting this property. I want to be thankful for the things I have and my family anyway and I am. I know this place would benefit us all so much.
  • Please can you pray for me? I'm in denial. Thank you
  • My friends Tami, Ben and Gloria are all battling cancer. I am asking for prayers to heal them and remove the cancer from them . If this is God's will, it will be done.

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

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