Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for my high blood pressure. Pray for my ears to stop ringing. I know God answered prayer. Thank you for praying for me.
  • Please pray for my friend in the US military. He was injured and on his way home but stopped by customs in turkey and now since in a jail with no way to make it home to his daughter for Christmas. Pray that God makes a way for him to get home to his daughter. He is a single parent.
  • Some of my (grown) children have chosen to ‘leave the fold’ and purposely walk away from Jesus...I have heard now, from others of my friends and family that some of their grown children have declared that position for themselves as well. There are many more just like these, who are in need of Heavenly Help to come back into alignment with God’s good plans for their lives and walk out God’s GOOD ‘Story’ for their life. Please stand in prayer with us for our children - young and older. Thank you! Blessings on you (and yours) who are reading this, and praying with us. Praises to God Most High, for His Mercy and Loving Kindness to us and our children!
  • Please pray peace and protection over my brother. I ask God's grace and mercy on him. Please pray deliverance of the fear, anxiety, insomnia, anger, shame, and all else that bind him. Please pray victory and new life in Jesus. Thank you.
  • Lord I need a miracle. I am asking that you will turn around the attitude and behavior of John. Lord he struggles with his thoughts which are negative and shuts down. Lord raise him up and wake him up to your love. Lord you are faithful and merciful. Show John your presence right now. Stop him Lord from doing anything wrong.
  • In Jesus Name, please pray for my daughter Sarah, that she is delivered from alcoholism, depression, suicidal ideas, that all curses are broken off of her, that she feels the love of the Holy Spirit in her, please also pray for Sarah's physical healing of her head, and healing of her reproductive and menstrual systems, also healing of her lymphatic systems, and healing of skin flushes and allergies, please pray Sarah is delivered from false ideas spoken to her, dear Jesus break every false idea, block every lie, deliver my daughter, and protect her life in every way, please Jesus send Your Heavenly Holy Spirit to Sarah to pour out Your miracle after miracle on her, please sing over her, Jehovah Rapha, protect her, keep her from harm, in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. Thank You Lord Jesus, God Almighty, Holy Spirit!
  • My daughter Ashley was cheated on by her boyfriend of 3 years, he cheated on her for 6 months. At first she kept hysterically crying saying " I feel like he died, I cant physically do this mom...." then the crying halted, I wondered why. Then I figure out that Ashley has decided to work it out, by being his friend first, etc (I dont know the details) But they are still hanging out. I'm afraid she is being manipulated and because of her heart (God knows her pain) she cant let go. I dont know what God's plans are, but I KNOW THEY WILL PREVAIL over Ashley's plans, Hallelujah, so I stand on God's Word. Please pray for Ashley, that only God's will be done, and that she doesnt stray from God's plan for her, that God gives her strength and let's her see the situation from what it truly is, in Holy Spirit Truth, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
  • Please pray for healing for Himesh, Rahil and family .
  • Please pray that God sets me free from depression
  • I am in need of a good running car mine has been wrecked and did not run well before that time I know God will provide Thanks AMEN

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Prayer Requests

  • Pray for my high blood pressure. Pray for my ears to stop ringing. I know God answered prayer. Thank you for praying for me.
  • Please pray for my friend in the US military. He was injured and on his way home but stopped by customs in turkey and now since in a jail with no way to make it home to his daughter for Christmas. Pray that God makes a way for him to get home to his daughter. He is a single parent.
  • Some of my (grown) children have chosen to ‘leave the fold’ and purposely walk away from Jesus...I have heard now, from others of my friends and family that some of their grown children have declared that position for themselves as well. There are many more just like these, who are in need of Heavenly Help to come back into alignment with God’s good plans for their lives and walk out God’s GOOD ‘Story’ for their life. Please stand in prayer with us for our children - young and older. Thank you! Blessings on you (and yours) who are reading this, and praying with us. Praises to God Most High, for His Mercy and Loving Kindness to us and our children!
  • Please pray peace and protection over my brother. I ask God's grace and mercy on him. Please pray deliverance of the fear, anxiety, insomnia, anger, shame, and all else that bind him. Please pray victory and new life in Jesus. Thank you.
  • Lord I need a miracle. I am asking that you will turn around the attitude and behavior of John. Lord he struggles with his thoughts which are negative and shuts down. Lord raise him up and wake him up to your love. Lord you are faithful and merciful. Show John your presence right now. Stop him Lord from doing anything wrong.
  • In Jesus Name, please pray for my daughter Sarah, that she is delivered from alcoholism, depression, suicidal ideas, that all curses are broken off of her, that she feels the love of the Holy Spirit in her, please also pray for Sarah's physical healing of her head, and healing of her reproductive and menstrual systems, also healing of her lymphatic systems, and healing of skin flushes and allergies, please pray Sarah is delivered from false ideas spoken to her, dear Jesus break every false idea, block every lie, deliver my daughter, and protect her life in every way, please Jesus send Your Heavenly Holy Spirit to Sarah to pour out Your miracle after miracle on her, please sing over her, Jehovah Rapha, protect her, keep her from harm, in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. Thank You Lord Jesus, God Almighty, Holy Spirit!
  • My daughter Ashley was cheated on by her boyfriend of 3 years, he cheated on her for 6 months. At first she kept hysterically crying saying " I feel like he died, I cant physically do this mom...." then the crying halted, I wondered why. Then I figure out that Ashley has decided to work it out, by being his friend first, etc (I dont know the details) But they are still hanging out. I'm afraid she is being manipulated and because of her heart (God knows her pain) she cant let go. I dont know what God's plans are, but I KNOW THEY WILL PREVAIL over Ashley's plans, Hallelujah, so I stand on God's Word. Please pray for Ashley, that only God's will be done, and that she doesnt stray from God's plan for her, that God gives her strength and let's her see the situation from what it truly is, in Holy Spirit Truth, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
  • Please pray for healing for Himesh, Rahil and family .
  • Please pray that God sets me free from depression
  • I am in need of a good running car mine has been wrecked and did not run well before that time I know God will provide Thanks AMEN

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