Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • My friend and co worker is at home with covid and she just this morning lost her husband to covid complications. Please pray for her family as they go through this trial and strengthen with your prayers of healing.
  • Please pray for our son. He is a small business owner here in Wenatchee with no insurance. He was hurt on the job about 3 weeks ago and has been in Harbor View for over two weeks. He is fighting a bad infection and has had 6 surgeries to date and needs at least one more that we know of. Please pray for his health, his business and his finances. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Thank you for your prayers
  • Prayer for Norbert Vasquez who is in the hospital in Yakima, WA! He's been bleeding, and not stopping, but it needs to stop, so surgery can be performed! We're praying for healing and lifting up his family during this time of need, to stay focused on you Lord, praise you Father in all things and humbly ask Holy Spirit to cover them all in Jesus's name! Amen!
  • I am having a pain stimulator in my back Nov 17th. Please pray for relief of the pain, so I can get off the pain meds. Please ask God to touch me and heal me. Thank you
  • need prayer...under a lot of stress... scared to lose my job, hard having the transition of my boyfriend and kids getting along, I'm 8 months pregnant, and my boyfriend cannot find a job.....feeling really down and have been crying constantly...just want to be at peace
  • I have Stage Zero breast cancer. The cells have not become active yet and I ask for prayer and healing that they do not. Thank you!
  • Prayer for a friend in ICU and prayer that an old co worker will come to know Christ.
  • My teeth are hurting (I have a sharp pain in my teeth). Please pray for God to stop the pain and heal my teeth.
  • Please pray for my family and I we are fighting for our lives from the evil of covid-19 does as well my husband with covid-19 pneumonia. Much love to the radio station we pray out loud and quietly.
  • Please, keep my daughter, Amelia, in your prayers. She says she has been gay for years and her husband just divorced her and he has let her see other people while married. She says she can't trust her parents since they wouldn't let her do what she wanted as a teenager. She says she is the happiest she has ever been. She is believing the world's lies. Pray that she won't be really happy until she comes back to Jesus. Thank you.

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Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

Prayer Requests

  • My friend and co worker is at home with covid and she just this morning lost her husband to covid complications. Please pray for her family as they go through this trial and strengthen with your prayers of healing.
  • Please pray for our son. He is a small business owner here in Wenatchee with no insurance. He was hurt on the job about 3 weeks ago and has been in Harbor View for over two weeks. He is fighting a bad infection and has had 6 surgeries to date and needs at least one more that we know of. Please pray for his health, his business and his finances. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Thank you for your prayers
  • Prayer for Norbert Vasquez who is in the hospital in Yakima, WA! He's been bleeding, and not stopping, but it needs to stop, so surgery can be performed! We're praying for healing and lifting up his family during this time of need, to stay focused on you Lord, praise you Father in all things and humbly ask Holy Spirit to cover them all in Jesus's name! Amen!
  • I am having a pain stimulator in my back Nov 17th. Please pray for relief of the pain, so I can get off the pain meds. Please ask God to touch me and heal me. Thank you
  • need prayer...under a lot of stress... scared to lose my job, hard having the transition of my boyfriend and kids getting along, I'm 8 months pregnant, and my boyfriend cannot find a job.....feeling really down and have been crying constantly...just want to be at peace
  • I have Stage Zero breast cancer. The cells have not become active yet and I ask for prayer and healing that they do not. Thank you!
  • Prayer for a friend in ICU and prayer that an old co worker will come to know Christ.
  • My teeth are hurting (I have a sharp pain in my teeth). Please pray for God to stop the pain and heal my teeth.
  • Please pray for my family and I we are fighting for our lives from the evil of covid-19 does as well my husband with covid-19 pneumonia. Much love to the radio station we pray out loud and quietly.
  • Please, keep my daughter, Amelia, in your prayers. She says she has been gay for years and her husband just divorced her and he has let her see other people while married. She says she can't trust her parents since they wouldn't let her do what she wanted as a teenager. She says she is the happiest she has ever been. She is believing the world's lies. Pray that she won't be really happy until she comes back to Jesus. Thank you.

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

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