For the record,

For the record,

For the record, I should state that I am blind, and it is because I have an iPhone that I am able to submit this prayer request, and come check this wonderful website out. I have been listening to your station ever since my husband passed away in October, it was towards the end of October when he went home to be with the Lord. He had three heart surgeries in a 2 to 3 month ratio of each other, and he was a long time diabetic, he had had it since he was four, and his kidneys were in stage five renal failure, so he was on dialysis for a while. His body was shutting down pretty fast after all that, when he was not sick, well as sick as he was, he took care of me A little too much, and now it’s hard for me to do things on my own. I hadn’t gotten signed into my Gmail account because I was taking care of my husband. I was doing a lot of lifting him up, making sure he wouldn’t fall to the floor because he could barely walk when he got out of the hospital. He was not in his right state of mind, and he left against medical advice, and I was helping try to take care of him to keep him alive. It was really hard on me, and I really put a lot of effort into it. I really wanted him to come out of this whole thing alive, but he just kept getting worse and worse. He had a bleeding ulcer that went pretty bad, and he had infections in his body that just kept getting worse. I had to sign papers stating that it was OK for the doctors to stop the dialysis treatment for him so he wouldn’t be in any more pain. My parents had to take me over to where he was which was not where my home is, where our home is at the time. It was the hardest thing I had to do. It’s still really hard for me to do things, I listen to the station and it’s a little easier on me. I need all the prayers I can get, because I am terrified. I have my dad with me, but there are times when I still feel afraid. I’m going to have to relearn everything, and I just hope I’ll be able to do it, but I need all the strength I can get. I’m a little weak right now. It would help if I knew what to do, but there’s a lot of things that I don’t know how to do. I begged him to teach me, but he never got around to it. I believe he was just too sick to do so. I asked him to do this before he got sick, but it just didn’t happen. He tried to make sure that I would get his check after he passed away, but I have to be 58 because he was much older than me to get his check. Every when I tell this to says they’ve never heard of such a thing like this. I’m just hoping I come out of this OK. My Finances are thin this year, and there are bills I’m behind on and didn’t know about, I thought he had paid them, but he was so sick that he couldn’t even get around to it. Please pray that I make it out of this OK. There are a lot of discouraging times, and listening to you has really helped get me through that. Thank you guys for being here, you really do spread God‘s message to the ones who need it most.

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