I have been going thru custody battle

I have been going thru custody battle

I have been going through a custody battle for about four years. In the time after I got divorced I met someone new.(I now have two kids with this man) Out of anger my ex husband put a restraining order on my new partner who is now my fiancé. Resulting in very limited time with my 5 children. No matter what we do the court just won’t change their mind. I gave it up to God and surrendered and asked him to help me be able to let go of my kids if that’s His will. And just recently my ex-husband said he’s moving to Florida with all of my kids. I’m asking for prayer that the restraining order will be dropped and that I will be able to have all of my kids and raise them with my new fiancé and hopefully that will result in us getting married soon. And that my ex and his parents will move anyway. Thank you so much to the prayer warriors! God’s will be done above all.

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