My daughter Ashley

My daughter Ashley

My daughter Ashley was cheated on by her boyfriend of 3 years, he cheated on her for 6 months. At first she kept hysterically crying saying ” I feel like he died, I cant physically do this mom….” then the crying halted, I wondered why. Then I figure out that Ashley has decided to work it out, by being his friend first, etc (I dont know the details) But they are still hanging out.
I’m afraid she is being manipulated and because of her heart (God knows her pain) she cant let go.
I dont know what God’s plans are, but I KNOW THEY WILL PREVAIL over Ashley’s plans, Hallelujah, so I stand on God’s Word.
Please pray for Ashley, that only God’s will be done, and that she doesnt stray from God’s plan for her, that God gives her strength and let’s her see the situation from what it truly is, in Holy Spirit Truth, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

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