21 Apr Prayer for Alexis
My 44 year old niece Alexis is a brittle diabetic and has recently gone through eye surgery to try and attach her retina..This was her second surgery and doctor was not hopeful he could save her eyesight from right eye. This morning she woke up frightened because she’s experiencing some things with her other eye..she’s also recently had to go on dialysis which she’s struggling with side effects as well. Her mother is her care provider and is having a very difficult time seeing her daughter have so many Heath problems.. she is asking everyone to please pray for her daughter.. God is still a miracle working God and we are believing He bring Alexis healing and restoration of her eyesight, that she not lose vision from her good eye and her dialysis sessions be tolerable and not so harsh on body afterwards.. thank you so much, we appreciate the prayers.
In Jesus Love,